I'm really glad to have many visitors and I hope you find my site interesting and innovative but if were not so ... I still have a lifetime to amaze!
I wanted to thank you because it's very nice of you to eagerly participate in activities that suggest it as polls, interactive games, ...
I hope that the book reviews, summaries of some very important issues for schools, research on a variety of authors and events such as the unification of Italy have helped the little ones who venture in schools!

I wanted to thank all of you because of your time devoted to read my articles and this warms my heart, I did not think that someone could be of interest to my site, not because I do not think it is beautiful or interesting, but because there are billions of my best and I thought Webgiorn would not separate, but I had to change my mind!
I also wanted to point out one thing, the name Webgiorn I still thought before creating this blog and I would not want anyone to think that I copied, I realized only after the opening of this site that there is another with webgiornale the name, and I would not want someone fraintendesse so I wanted to find another name for my blog, but I have not found one as beautiful and so I gave up! If the creators of
webgiornale bothered I would very ready to change the name because the title is not important but the content of a site!
I thank you all for reading my post and visited Webgiorn! With love
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