Some paradoxes that have an educational function key. Help to understand the deeper meaning of certain realities, and that does not appear immediately. The paradoxes seem at first a manifest lack of logic and meaning. But only apparently. In fact have a role to reveal a radical reversal of common practices and everyday ways of living. Debunk common sense and point to something more daring and unknown. The Gospel today gives us a valuable example of what this means. Jesus himself is presented as a paradox in action. A person who seems to offend the reigning logic assumed and accepted by all. Its mode think and act is revealed to his contemporaries a paradox 'incomprehensible' in relation to what has been thought to Him There seems to be in today's text to a form of exasperation in the way of thinking lead by Jesus. He, however, has its own logic which is profoundly consistent. Jesus radicalized and deepens the gap that must exist between the "blessed are salt and light of the world ', ie, that definitely took the example of Jesus of Nazareth, and others. The first, by embracing the cause of the kingdom started by Jesus, can no longer act as before. Nor act according to 'common sense'. Must be distinguished radically in their practices of all those who act in their daily lives according to the classical patterns of behavior. Thus point a new way of living and thinking. An alternative way to common, the ordinary.
Jesus himself stands as the point of rupture with the past and with a set of precepts that had been adopted as something that could not modify. Jesus does not care much for it to change or redirect the surface either provision, but embed them all a load of unparalleled radicalism that makes it seem that something totally new. After all, this attitude of Jesus that reflects the everyday life of early Christians was making something in common: a clear and gradual separation of Jews from other Jewish Christians who still did not accept the newness of Jesus of Nazareth. A new way of coping with interpersonal and social relations, rooted in the boundless mercy, solidarity paradoxically, the charity that disarms any claim of supremacy and superiority of some over others. it is wonder that today's Christians are distinguished from other human beings .... and for which new reality show with his way of being and doing ....!!!!!
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