Rome. Italy. The ancient and modern capital of a country that always seems to dive over in the darkness of insecurity and economic and political uncertainty. Slave still shadows of an old archaic imperialism that left only stone monuments and frauds politicians calling the 'Caesars'! A seemingly united, unified country, but broken in its axiological structure. At the outer glow, apparently, still visible, does not match a style, a quality of life and socio-economic relationships and social aspects of the same nature. There a social and ethical corrosion evident and frightening. The population mostly does not seem to realize the gravity of the moment.
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi appears to be the most faithful reflection and expression of this social climate. Involved in numerous scandals of all sorts - not just with sexual issues - the premier ignores the consequences of all that is said and written about him. It seems nothing is happening. Recklessly and arrogantly says he is not concerned with the processes and not with the accusations against him by many sectors of Italian society. Repeat ad infinitum that are slandering and persecuting. That would meddling in his private life and there is an army of moralists and that denigrate corny. Much of the population supports him doggedly. His most direct collaborators subservient to defend in all TV programs. Sycophants who are not to lose the perks and favors that Premier provides shamelessly to the faithful who defend it with any argument.
Italy is a broken, interrupted, stalled. At a time when creativity is required worldwide, fortitude, boldness, acumen to overcome the crisis polyhedral, sectors of Italian society 'enlightened' by their 'duce / warlord' follows a decision postponed do not know whether or not to take: re-inventing Italy not from the bottom of the imitation of Roman imperialism / c-section, but from a new network of 'communes' in which the concern with the location, collaboration and solidarity are the foundation of a new society. A new system.
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