February 4 Yesterday was a day of memory. Bom Jardim, Maranhão. Ten years of physical absence of Carlo Ubbiali between us. Ten of emptiness still not fully met. We wanted to join the memorial of the death / new life of Jesus of Nazareth with the death / life of Carlo. Remembering is somehow relive unforgettable moments of fraternity. Coexistence tasty. Sharing feelings and dreams. But it is also relive pain, emptiness, sadness and bewilderment. Things that perhaps only humans can feel, though not always able to assimilate and understand.
is true: our Western culture does not help us understand and accept that death is part of the life process. All life ultimately leads to the biological death. We were educated to live with all that intensity physical life, real, immediate presents. We grew up thinking that there is a 'stay' in all this that no one can threaten and take away. But the disappearance of natural things and people every day obliges us to confront ourselves with the effects of 'impermanence'. Still, their full acceptance is not something natural and to be congenital in human. Yesterday, however, in good garden, where Carlos lived many years, which went out to visit villages and indigenous peoples feel that there is something permanent that nobody can take away. Depending, of course, a decision of humans. And their awareness of profound power they have to transmit to future generations the human and spiritual heritage of people who have gone physically. We indeed have the power to keep alive the 'impermanent lives' of many people and playing their choices, values, life projects, dreams, and attitudes that we scored. It behooves us to exercise that power. It behooves us to 'live impermanent' prove to ourselves that there is something 'permanent' that not even death can expropriate. Carlos, brother, keep this and 'permanent' in our life choices!
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