Friday, February 25, 2011

Vhf Uhf Transformer Purpose


STJ delay and territory of the Awa-Guajá is cleared from 31% in one year

About 350 Awa-Guajá live in Maranhão State, eastern Amazonia, a "territory Indian "117 thousand hectares, delimited in 2008. The situation of the Awa-Guajá is subject to an alarming report that has just been published by Funai - the Brazilian government agencies responsible for protecting the indigenous people. According to this document, produced from satellite observation systems, the forest area The Awa-Guajá not to diminish. More than 31% of its territory there had been deforested in 2009. The partial figures for 2010 show that deforestation continues. Funai lay the blame on those responsible for deforestation as always, totally illegal, loggers, farmers, operators of small mines, prospectors. In 2009 she recorded in the territory of the Awa-Guajá dozens of fires, mostly volunteers, designed to clean up debris from forest to grassland forming or growing of crops. (Source: IHU)

PF enters the INCRA, MA and is wanton

The Federal Police of Maranhão meets on the morning of Friday 39 search warrants and seizure of documents to investigate irregularities in the administration of the National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) in the state. The investigation clears PF evidence of embezzlement in the state and illicit favors, and allegations of overbilling for work or carrying out no-bid contracts in settlements of agrarian reform programs. The scheme, the initial reports of the PF would involve up to 60 employees between the years 2005 and 2010. Although the initial information for this period, the INCRA-MA received approximately $ 500 million for spending on rural settlements. At least $ 4 million was misappropriated. Twenty-five rural settlements were targeted in this investigation of PF. (Source GA)

UNICEF: investing in adolescents can break cycle of poverty

Investing in the protection and development of the world's 1.2 billion adolescents can break cycles of poverty and inequity, according to UNICEF's global report World's Children 2011 - Adolescence: A stage of opportunities. The newspaper said among the achievements since 1990, are 33% reduction in overall mortality rate of children under 5 years and almost total elimination of gender differences in enrollment in primary schools in several developing regions. However, less progress has been observed in areas that affect teenagers. In Brazil, the reductions in infant mortality between 1998 and 2008 mean that it was possible to preserve the lives of more than 26 000 children, however, in the same period, 81 000 young Brazilians between 15 and 19 years old, were killed . (Source: UNICEF)


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