Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yamha Phazer Carburator Adjustement

Beatitudes: God's way of governing! (Mt.5 0.1 to 12) Mozambique

Our religion has been defined the religion of pain. Suffering. Sacrifice. Sadness. Only those who hope for a future eternity. The religion of the conformed. It is undeniable that we have plenty of ammunition to our critics! was not the contents of the 'good news' of Jesus of Nazareth who supplied it. Were our interpretations of the contents of the good news. Many of them have been grounded in our interests group in petty institutional projects in power games, which unfortunately exist in every religion. In this sense all religion tends to kill the faith that is in the heart of humans! Recover the deep meaning of the Beatitudes is to rely on faith institution. The practice of charity / compassion over dogma. The free service to the poor on the cult of authority, hierarchy.

The Beatitudes were not and are not a 'debate'. Nor a set of rules and commandments. There are pious admonitions that Jesus spoke circumstantially. Not a list of social categories who will win in the near future - if they accept their condition - a supposed eternal reward. A kind of kingdom of happiness because they have conformed to their adverse situation. Rather, they reflect and synthesize the priorities that emerged from the itinerary moral / spiritual Jesus of Nazareth. Recover the core of bold preaching and practice of the master of Galilee. And especially stress the new consciousness for those who historically had been left out. The Beatitudes represent a sort of demarcation line. The logic that prevailed until Jesus was the blessed, the happy, Blessed was he who had plenty, who had things and people, who dominated and persecuted, who practiced his authority by abuses and transgressions. After all, if he acted that way was because God was confirming!

The first Christians to rescue the practice of Jesus are an emerging new consciousness. For them, from the service of Jesus to the poor God definitely come to govern a whole new way. Quite differently than it did Tiberius Caesar, Herod and others. The forgotten of Israel are, in fact, the new protagonists who embody and manifest the kingdom of God. That is, God manages to form a new humanity by choosing as mediators for those fighting for justice and peace. Those who suffer persecution. Those who act in a transparent manner. All of them are blessed not because they are loved and blessed by God, or because they may receive future rewards, but because it is in your hands now the ability to produce an inversion of values \u200b\u200band practices. To do everything you always been at the heart of God and that Jesus made explicit.

Blessed are you if you understand that your time has come. The time to sack the rich away empty, to topple the mighty from their thrones and to recognize the dignity of the downtrodden. For Jesus, this is the true way of God's rule!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Old 50s Kitchen Chairs Need Recovering

One of the fundamental rights is the right to education. All and I repeat ALL, should be able to study, to be literate, to know how to make a division or write a text, but not always the case, many children are illiterate and do not say it as if it were an insult, very often they say in another educated person who might forget what a simple "You're illiterate, you do not know what is 2 +2" but it is depressing to realize that there are guys who do not even know what a number, I would love to go to them and that he could learn everything I know, but many things prevent me, sometimes I just want to hate me because I am helpless in front of these thousands of problems that affect me in the heart! I wish that all were aware of this problem and do something! For example, can give money to local parishes to help build a school and I guarantee you that is a real satisfaction to see the photos then the school, or well, it makes you feel good! Sometimes children who have helped make contact with you by the sisters and they send you the designs ... It 's wonderful!

  ... And each of us must do something to ensure all children. The Italian Constitution is clear: every child has the right to study and there is also a Law and Article 34 of the Constitution which is shown below Article 34 The school is open to all. The lower education for at least eight years, is compulsory and free. Capable and deserving pupils, even without financial resources, have the right to attain the highest levels of education.

In most cases they are committed to working in factories, laboratories and industries to settle the debt for their families or because they lived in extreme poverty and dying of hunger, but to live so they start working.
They would do something good if you gave a home and a meal to the child, but people buy these minors to exploit them, make them work in unhealthy from dawn to dusk and do not give hardly anything to eat and drink, children do not can talk, raise your head from the job they are doing, can not play, a small smile, stop for a moment exhausted by fatigue, ...
I'm sure that if they could leave immediately and without farebero the nostalgia of those places where they lived far from 'childhood. But Iqbal Masih, the protagonist of the book "The Story of Iqbal", really existed? Yes, it really existed, was a young man like many others who are forced to work, but he rebelled against dying in order to defend the rights of all children. Iqbal Masih died to open our eyes, has died while denouncing the "carpet mafia" is dead at age 50, even at 40 or 30 or 20, but at the age of 13 years when he was a kid and did not die for a disease outbreak for some time, but because he has been murdered! On Easter Sunday of 1995, Muritke, a village about thirty kilometers from Lahore, Pakistan in the death of a child who has fought for throughout his short life to give a better life to all those who are exploited. Iqbal Masih should be an example for all of us courage and strength, struggle and rebellion, this guy should be remembered forever in our hearts! 

Iqbal Masih
Is Iqbal the boy in the photograph? Yes, he really gives us that its still a beautiful smile!

Does Removing Genital Warts Hurt?

The right to education The right to eat and drink

  Today I want to talk about another important right that is often taken for granted: the right to eat and drink. E 'logical to think that all those who know they eat three times a day at least, not to mention snacks, snacks mid-morning ...

but not as we used to have breakfast in the morning, lunch, dinner, snacks during the day if there is hunger and a nutritious snack in the afternoon, but there are many people and I am not referring only to children but also to adults and older people if they eat only once a day believe in a miracle. And now I wish rifletteste on how much food thrown in the dustbin and I am sure you have ready a thousand excuses, the most common are:

* It was for me to eat everything
* I will not advance anything, they are my children who iscarded      lot of food because they do not like
* Expired yesterday, you can not eat anymore
* Was on offer means that it is not good
* If I ate everything I'd be a whale!
* I am following a specific diet, ..
In Italy started the project "collection," I think it's yet another opportunity to improve our state, but I see that many people have different ideas from mine, just listen to a neighbor, a colleague, a friend and you will understand how many ideas can exist and it would be wrong to consider them lower than I thought and I believe that listening to all the others we can enrich and sometimes you realize that you are making a mistake and that there is still time to improve, yesterday I was putting the damp out the bucket and I realized how weighed and how much we throw away. It 'been a while that project to write articles about rights, about how poor children live, how much suffering, the pain they feel, of what we do, and I wanted to give useful advice! While I was there that I threw the trash and thought the article had in mind to write to the right to eat and drink I thought, "How do I to criticize how much waste of food and water and to save those who read the article if I am the first one that throws a lot of food! " and so I felt a pang in his heart, I felt the need to improve, I felt the need to scream to the world that I changed, but it is not easy, nothing in life is not easy to tie his shoes! I think the most important step is to waste less realizing that you are wasting, that instead of throwing tons of food just because we do not like we could send it in poor countries and enable children to survive! This is called
fraternity and is essential! 

Before I used the word survival is no coincidence that in any book we read that in poor countries there is a high infant mortality, but this is due to what? First of all newborn babies need milk, and mothers do not drink, because there is no drinking water, are unable to breastfeed babies and these children who are born die shortly after ... I'm speechless, a child dies every two seconds, every time we breathe in Africa a child dies because he can not eat and we are here to waste that food which would live to millions of people. Think if your child die before my eyes because dehydrated, think of the heartache, think about the pain, think of those who suffer ... I'm sure it will never happen to you because you live in a developed society and you are lucky and fortunate hips are very fortunate and we should thank God for our good fortune and after doing so we should immediately do something about this dire situation and I can tell you that I do something! I met a wonderful sister a few years ago, a wonderful man full of life and of things to communicate, this nun helps all needy children and is a veritable force of nature called Gabriela Trivellin and is now a missionary in Africa ( in Zambia)

Here it is worthy of this honor sister

You can also visit two sites in his honor that are really important and beautiful and you will realize that its activities are still active! Visit the following sites, you will not regret sistergabry suoredimariabambina It 'important for your contribution!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Candidiasis Specialist Doctor In Bangalore

Bishops denounce the negative impacts of mega-projects. VALE is involved

I reproduce below an excerpt from the "call of the bishops of Mozambique to the Christian communities and men and women of good will" published recently. Draws attention to the bishops 'concern for Mozambicans to mega-projects, because there has reached "full Brazilian company,' Vale. Apparently the mining giant is losing no time, exports pollution, expropriation and social disintegration, 'goods' is well known for our population of Maranhão, Pará, Minas Gerais, Rio .....

"Malaria continues to kill, especially in the countryside, despite the optimistic statistics, the same is true of the HIV / AIDS, to the point where we can say that the devastation outside the control of the statistics. We think the situation of hunger will be contributing to abandon the production of food in favor of cash crops: cotton, tobacco, sugar cane and plants for bio-combustível.Outros social aspects are very disturbing and trafficking in organs humans. When the Catholic Church in 2004 and 2005, reported the first known cases, much has been done and much has been said to claim that was false and missed would like to see the Church Catholic in the dock and punished as a rumormonger. Today, the daily press is confirming with cases, a phenomenon of planetary proportions!

Another wound is social banditry, contoured individuals: groups of 10, and 12 more individuals, households and institutions that assault in the dead of night or in broad daylight. Anyway, lynchings seem an evil without remedy. Be a wrong without remedy while not discover, does not want to recognize and eliminate their causes.

We still have the problem of the negative impact of mega-projects, an impact already felt or expected: degradation and environmental pollution. Such projects expropriate land from people, forcing them to move into areas unfavorable; occupy areas for certain activities in favor of lives of people, leaving them without any means of sustenance ....'

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Easy Dmv Los Angeles 2010

Dies Don Samuel Ruiz, bishop of the Mexican Indians

died yesterday, D. Bishop Emeritus Samuel Ruiz Garcia of San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico, at 86 years of age. Samuel Ruiz was bishop of the Chiapas region and negotiated with the Zapatista movement in the 1990s. The news of his death is the EFE, 01/24/2011. He was a man well known and respected in Mexico and Latin America. This is a bishop of a extirpe Pedro Casaldaliga, for example. He became a great defender of the rights of indigenous peoples. He was bishop of San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas from 1960 to 2000, when he became bishop emeritus. In 2008, he participated in a negotiating committee with the Ejército Popular Revolucionario - EPR - which asked the Mexican government to surrender two of its militants disappeared. The current bishop of San Cristobal, D. Felipe Arizmendi, said during celebrations to mark 50 years of ordaining D. Samuel in 2009 that his life and vocation was marked "to discover and see firsthand the marginalization of a huge number of communities facing a situation of generalized domination. "Yesterday, in a note, said Don Samuel Ruiz left a legacy, with the following features: 1 .-

integral promotion of the indigenous, that are subject to in church and society;

2 .- The preferential option for the poor and liberation of the oppressed, as a sign of God's kingdom;

3 .- The freedom to denounce the injustices against any agency;

4 .- The defense human rights;

5 .- The insertion pastoral social reality and history,

6 .- Inculturation Church, which calls for promoting the Second Vatican Council, there are autochthonous churches, embodied in different cultures, indigenous and mestizo;

7 .- The promotion of women's dignity and its responsibility in the Church and society;

8. - A church open to the world and servant of the people;

9 .- The ecumenical not only with other Christian confessions, but to all religions;

10 .- A pastoral work, with shared responsibilities;

11. - Theology India, as for the presence of God in the original cultures;

12 .- The permanent diaconate as a process particular among the indigenous.

13 - The reconciliation in the communities;

14 .- Unity in diversity;

(Source: IHU)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Scorpio Man If Interested

The right to eat and drink

Today I want to talk about another important right that is often taken for granted: the right to eat and drink.
E 'logical to think that all those who know they eat three times a day at least, not to mention snacks, snacks mid-morning ...

but not as we used to have breakfast in the morning, lunch, dinner, snacks during the day if there is hunger and a nutritious snack in the afternoon, but there are many people and not I refer only to children but to adults and older people if they eat only once a day believe in a miracle. And now that I
rifletteste on how much food thrown away in the dustbin and I am sure you have ready a thousand excuses, the most common are:
  • were up to me I do not eat everything
  • surplus anything, they are my children who discarded a lot of food because they do not like
  • expired yesterday, you can not eat anymore
  • was on offer means that it is not good
  • if everything I eat a whale!
  • am following a specific diet, ..
In Italy started the project "collection," I think it's yet another opportunity to improve our state, but I see that many people have different ideas from mine, just listen to a neighbor, a colleague, a friend and you will understand how ideas can exist and it would be wrong to consider them lower than I thought and I believe that listening to all the others we can enrich and sometimes you realize that you are making a mistake and that there is still time to improve, yesterday I was putting out a bucket of wet and I realized how weighed and how much we throw away.
It 's been a while I plan to write articles about rights, about how poor children live, how much suffering, the pain they feel, of what we do, and I wanted to give useful advice!
While I was there that I threw the trash and thought the article had in mind to write to the right to eat and drink I thought, "How do I to criticize how much waste of food and water and to save those who read the article if I'm the first to throw a lot of food!" and so I felt a pang in his heart, I felt the need to improve, I felt the need to scream to the world that I changed, but it is not easy, nothing in life is not easy to tie his shoes!
I think the most important step is to waste less realizing that you are wasting, that instead of throwing tons of food just because we do not like we could send it in poor countries and enable children to survive! This is called
BROTHERHOOD and it is essential!

Before I used the word survival is no coincidence that in any book we read that in poor countries there is a high infant mortality, but this is due to what?
First newborn babies need milk, and mothers do not drink, because there is no drinking water, are unable to breastfeed babies and these children who are born die shortly after ...
am speechless, a child dies every two seconds, every time we breathe in Africa a child dies because he can not eat and we are here to waste that food which would live to millions of people.
think if your child die before eyes so dehydrated, think of the heartache, think about the pain, think of those who suffer ...
I'm sure it will never happen to you because you live in a developed society and hips are lucky you are lucky and very fortunate and we should thank God for our good fortune and after doing so we should immediately do something about this dire situation and I can tell you that I did something!
I met a wonderful sister a few years ago, a wonderful man full of life and of things to communicate, this nun helps all needy children and is a veritable force of nature called Gabriela Trivellin and is now a missionary in Africa (Zambia)

Here nun worthy of this honor

You can also visit two sites in his honor that are really important and beautiful and you will realize that its activities are still active!
visit the following sites, you will not regret
It 'important for your contribution!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sample Request Letter For Telephone Disconnection

On the outskirts of the Empire and the Temple Jesus begins to build the "kingdom of God '(0.12 to 25 Mt.4)

There are choices and decisions that radically changed the trajectory of our lives. What may at first seem to us commonplace, ordinary, turns out to be crucial and central. The consequences of all this with us for the rest of our lives. The text presents us with today's decision-making that was crucial to the life of Jesus: the physical and ideological separation Jesus of the group of John the Baptist who had lived with and been identified for some time, and his surprising decision to relocate permanently to Capernaum. With respect to John, Jesus wants to make clear that his preaching is qualitatively different from the prophet of the desert. Jesus inaugurates a kingdom of grace and new opportunity for radical change. The God of Jesus is not God's threat of punishment and total pressure. It is precisely from the moment John is silenced by Herod that Jesus begins his proclamation. A new era has begun! But he also breaks with 'their' means of Nazareth. The new kingdom that God either can not be started nor in the birthplace of Jesus where he had known only rejection and mistrust.

Paradoxically the good news starts in 'Galilee of the Gentiles, fishermen ritually unclean'. But also a customs center economically strategic. In 'the sea road' they passed through those who wanted to go to Egypt and the port of Caesarea. In the land where Herod wanted to show strength and power Tiberius Caesar. It can be seen that Jesus chose Capernaum not randomly. How not to chose from a simple glance at the seafront, his followers. Jesus was clear that a project of domination holistic and well-articulated had to oppose with equal or superior ability. An opposition that was not of military confrontation, physical force, but symbolic. It was in this field, in fact, that Jesus could play their cards. And he did so masterfully.

Jesus did not choose Jerusalem the capital to start his prophetic ministry, and yes, a town considered "infidel and heretic 'by the composition and piety of its inhabitants and the confluence of' outsiders', foreign contaminate soil and Jewish culture. chooses not Nazareth, where Jesus had a family and friends. Leaves behind family and emotional security. Breaks with the logic of 'ethnic' and 'nuclear family', and opens to the 'world' multicultural and multiethnic. This becomes your family! Jesus either choose 'desert' of John the Baptist, where there were no people. He chooses places inhabited by people who dream, fighting, debating, and that .... plot against Caesar and his minions.

speaks of Jesus 'kingdom' on purpose. To say that it opposes the flatterer of Caesar and Herod. That, incidentally, is the only possible one. Because no human can dominate and subdue other human . That only the "kingdom of God 'could bring real freedom and recognition of the divine dignity that resides in every human. That this kingdom is built from the 'periphery' and offstage history of empire and the temple. That, after all, the kingdom of Caesar and many others, are a farce ... or a 'tragedy'!

Jesus chooses his followers. Examine them and select them. Do not accept anyone. Molds them without them thwart its originality. not want fanatics, but persons 'lived', they know what it means to have responsibilities. Do not want employees, servants, employees, but mature people who have the ability to configure a specific project.

who have courage to be 'fishers of men', building new forms of humanity.

Vegetarian Family Meal Planner

BRAZIL, ALL OF A COUNTRY ? Steelmakers in

Open Letter of the Comboni Missionaries of the Province of Northeast Brazil on the International Year of Peoples of African Descent

The year 2011 was declared the UN Year International Peoples of African Descent. This year the various countries of the world should strengthen political commitment to eradicate discrimination against the descendants of Africans. The initiative also aims to promote respect for diversity and heritage cultural, not yet officially incorporated into the identities of many American nations!

Our pastoral experience in Brazil shows how the population of African descent still suffer prejudice and racial discrimination. Even having contributed greatly to sweat and creativity in building the social and cultural matrix of this huge nation multicultural and multi-ethnic, the african-descendants remain ignored. Even accounting for over half the population, Black people live on the fringes of society that they themselves have helped to build. In fact, we find they are living in the suburbs with no sewer and no infrastructure. Tight public transport systems, and surviving on minimum wage. Overcrowding the prison systems of the country, among the ranks of hospitals and killed by illegal activities and police actions.

We know they are legitimate and occupying new spaces, but thanks to his initiative and persistence, not to be recognized as citizens / them with equal rights and opportunities . Their struggles and achievements do not earn or visibility of the media, nor become a sign of socio-educational for current and future generations. The very slogan that marked the last government - " Brazil, a country of all" - seems to further reinforce the ideology that this country has definitely reached the supposed "racial democracy" than an effective recognition of universal rights respected . There is no denying that, unfortunately, the statistics in the Americas and Brazil show that Black people have not had the same opportunities as other citizens / AS.

Instead, we have seen the true forms of denial of rights and access to formal justice. Data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and DIIESE (Department of Statistics and Socio Economic) in the metropolitan areas show that among black men and women there are an average 50% higher unemployment than the white population. Moreover, blacks receive on average only about 60% of the value of wages offered to non-blacks. Another alarming fact is the difference between the homicide rate of blacks and whites. Data from the "Map of Violence " show that the homicide rates in Brazil have the main victim of the black male population: out of ten young people killed; 7 are of African descent.

not hard to see that in major Brazilian cities there is an imaginary dividing line, but among the real "white" and "Afro-Brazilians." It becomes visible by the location and structure of housing for some and others. In places of high class, tall and beautiful buildings in the city's blacks only appear to work! For these, the residence remains in the distant suburbs, huddled in houses, tenements, slums, in places of landslides and floods.

Before all this, we Comboni Missionaries of the Northeast Brazil - we feel caused by the testimony of Jesus of Nazareth and the example of our founder Daniel Comboni, who gave his life for the life of Africa. We want to strengthen our common cause with those who are humiliated and discriminated by the color of their skin, by the vivacity of their customs and celebrations and his way of speaking and being. We strive to continue our fight on the side of African descent in our country, the continent and the entire planet, so that together we can break down historic barriers of prejudice and exclusion in all social spaces. We are aware that a year will not be enough to overcome these historical barriers, but we know that the world will be struggling and becoming aware to combat racism encourages us to continue to walk alongside our brothers them African descent!

Friday, January 21, 2011

In Which Leg Should One Wear Anklet

Piquiá: how to be socially irresponsible companies!

seems paradoxical, but perhaps the only way out for families of low Piquiá, Açailândia, Maranhão: organize a collection to raise money and buy the land on which to build houses on a possible transfer of families affected by severe pollution produced by local mills. steel is that the powerful State, organized and linked to SIFEMA, - the union of Maranhão steel whose chairman is the current state secretary of Agriculture, Claudio Azevedo Donis - are slow. Do not wave at the moment to pay £ 220,000 - two hundred and twenty thousand reais to buy the land chosen by consensus for the families of Piquiá low. That would signal a basic minimum, that companies could offer the whole society and the negotiators. Besides being part of an informal agreement - for now - between a group of institutions under the coordination of District Attorney to try to solve a time of socio-environmental problem has been dragging on for decades.

the face of increasing pollution and damage to public health, and to see that companies are unlikely to change the current location, the solution proposed by the group was inter-sectoral transfer of about 300 families of low Piquiá . The possible transfer that is being negotiated by leaps and bounds, with omissions and obvious lack of interest by some local actors, can not mean 'carte blanche' to continue to pollute. Unlike. Contribute to soften, as an emergency, an impact that has produced losses of any order is a requirement for steel moral and legal. And both will have to adopt effective mechanisms to reduce emissions of soot. Not to mention the actions of compensation that must appear. The companies are betting on legal and audit mechanism laxity of the State ...

The impasse, however, at this moment is the role played by the Ministry of Public Açailândia. Has been omitted in a scandalous way. Perhaps pressure from local forces. There are strong calls popular to assume that this definitely, with courage, their legal responsibility to convene, collect, mediate and initiate investigations to determine liability. Faced with such a lack of irresponsibility social and ... shame companies that only suck air, public health and human sweat is the least that the 'defender of collective rights' have to do!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Make A Magnetic Earring

The right to education

One of the fundamental rights is the right education. All
and I stress ALL, should be able to study, to be literate, to know how to make a division or write a text, but not always the case, many children are illiterate and do not say it as if it were an insult, very it is often said to another educated person who might forget a simple "You're illiterate, you do not know what is 2 +2" but it is depressing to realize that there are guys who do not even know what a number I would love to go to them and that he could learn everything I know, but many things prevent me, sometimes I just want to hate me because I am helpless in front of these thousands of problems that affect me in the heart! I
that all were aware of this problem and do something! For example, can give money to local parishes to help build a school and I guarantee you that is a real satisfaction to see the photos then the school, or well, it makes you feel good!
Sometimes children who have helped make contact with you by the sisters and they send you the designs ...
's wonderful!

... And each of us must do something to ensure all children.
The Italian Constitution is clear: every child has the right to study and there is also a Law and Article 34 of the Constitution which is shown below

Article 34

The school is open to all.
The lower education for at least eight years, is compulsory and free.
Capable and deserving pupils, even without financial resources, have the right to attain the highest levels of education.

Children who can not study what they do?
In most cases they are committed to working in factories, laboratories and industries to settle the debt for their families or because they lived in extreme poverty and dying of hunger, but to live so they start working.
So people who buy a child in danger of dying make a generous gesture?
They would do something good if you gave a home and a meal per child, but people buy these minors to exploit them, make them work in unhealthy from dawn to dusk and do not give hardly anything to eat and drink , children can not talk, raise your head from the job they are doing, can not play, a small smile, stop for a moment because exhausted by fatigue, ...
They can not be children, to behave as such, must be micro adults.
But they are happy with this life?
No, I'm sure that if they could leave immediately and without farebero the nostalgia of those places where they lived far from 'childhood.
But Iqbal Masih, the protagonist of the book "The Story of Iqbal", really existed?
Yes, it really existed, was a young man like many others who are forced to work, but he rebelled against dying in order to defend the rights of all children.
Iqbal Masih died to open our eyes, has died while denouncing the "carpet mafia" is dead at age 50, even at 40 or 30 or 20, but at the age of 13 years when he was a kid and did not die for a disease outbreak for some time, but because he has been murdered!
On Easter Sunday of 1995, Muritke, a village about thirty kilometers from Lahore, Pakistan in the death of a child who has fought for throughout his short life to give a better life to all those who are exploited.
Iqbal Masih should be an example for all of us courage and strength, struggle and rebellion, this guy should be remembered forever in our hearts!

who struggle for freedom has always
give everyone a smile

The boy in the photograph is really Iqbal?
Yes, he really gives us that its still a beautiful smile!

Denise Milani Naturals

child exploitation

Yesterday I added an article about child exploitation, an issue that I consider important, I advised him to read books that deal with this problem and I've recommended one in particular, I also added link to a very interesting site that allows you to do the study, but this is not no good!
I am very sorry that nobody has read my article, that no one is interested, no one has said, "Hey, there is still child exploitation, we should do something" or "I'd like to explore the question of labor."
I found instead a total indifference as if to ignore the article I wrote "so no one will talk more tomorrow, but this time I want to go deeper with you readers and visitors to the topic, with you I want to see all sides of this problem without losing anything, I'll take a journey through the ages and countries!
First of all I would like you you read my previous article
( ) and you looked at the site that is shown in the window at the top right:

In the next article will begin its journey ...
pack your bags!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Create Invitation 2invite 2ndbirthday Party

Book: The Story of Iqbal

Today I would advise you to read a really amazing book that he wrote Francis of Adam and talking about the true story of Iqbal Masih, a young Pakistani boy who became a worldwide symbol of the fight against child exploitation.
I read it because I moved in is an extremely important subject that gets entangled in the background because it is believed that now the present day there are no more exploited children, but it is not. The statistics speak for themselves, all over the world there is a high percentage of child exploitation.
Many times our shirts, shoes, bracelets, ... were made by African children, Chinese forced to work to eat a scrap of food. This problem persists, especially in poor countries but do not think that rich countries are different!
This book tells the story of Iqbal, a boy really existed who risked their lives to change the fate of many others like him, had been sold by the family in exchange for $ 16 and was forced to work in carpet weaving , chained to the frame, in unhealthy conditions.
It was not the only one having to endure the harassment of the master Hussain Khan, to share this fate were also Ali, twig, Mary, Mohammed, Karim, Fatima, who is the narrator of the events (I wanted to point out that the names Ali, twig , Mary, Mohammed, Karim, Fatima is not the real names of those children but names coined by Francis of Adam) and many others.
It 's a nice reading also because the book is not very long and the language is simple so as to allow everyone to understand the content, even for children!
's a story that touches the heart and makes us reflect on the luck you have, but also makes me want to do something to stop this bloody and terrible exploitation child that still exists today!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Brown Blood Discharge Infection

'knowing' the signs. Be signs for the world! (Jo.2 0.29 to 34)

We live in a reality that casts all the time, like an automatic machine gun, numerous signs. Messages, information, symbols, stories, versions of the most variegated. Not always is a logic behind all this. these bombings and tangles of permanent signs we experience a certain loss. Feelings of disorientation seem to dominate us. We feel displaced in our same location in which we live. It seems that everything that we considered as reference for life, hermeneutics, to analyze reality, suddenly vanished. We do not know what to take, what to retain. The little that we consider the handle, soon after, inadequate to account for our thirst for understanding reality. What are we, what we want, we want to be in the near future. It is still an 'existential crisis' that helps us re-situate the 'local-context' where we are. And find out which 'signs' - among the myriad that exist - can give meaning to our existence. These are the signs that we must .... hold.

With the obvious differences that was the crisis that has also John and Jesus of Nazareth. It is obligatory path for every human being who seeks to make sense of their 'being in the world'. John had discovered that he had a mission to Israel: to wake him on their own contradictions . Showing that they were so acute that would lead to destruction if the nation did not change course. Chosen as a 'sign' water baptism. Expression of real commitment of people to build a new Israel. Himself, John, becomes "signal. Everything seemed to go well for him. The threats, the conditions to receive baptism, submission of a terrible and vengeful God stirred the minds of people. Maybe even less wiggle in their attitudes and life choices! With the advent of Jesus of Nazareth John is in crisis. Discovers that his strategy to re-erect Israel might not be so wise as he imagined.

Jesus by putting the same level as people 'penitents' and in need of change, conversion, baptism transformation throws a clear signal to Israel and to John . The redemption of a nation takes putting yourself above it, so proclaiming its moral change. But wrapping it as a whole, and rebuilt it with her (common queue up as Jesus did). Not judging others and putting yourself in a position of moral superiority, supposedly absolute integrity and purity, but working on the same level as those who seek to re-erect Israel from its own contradictions. Personal and collective.

John who was a sign - one of many - signals that the true 'signal' to be handled with force now, one who was not baptized with water, but that 'baptized' from the consciousness , heart, compassion . Whoever - mixed among ordinary penitents - wanted to build with them, and not apart from them, a whole new future for Israel and mankind. Discover what are the signs that humanity needs today to find out how humanity and what kind of signal we can be in it is a challenge that will accompany us for a lifetime. Just can not help but be ... "sign" of hope for those who seem to have resigned to re-build!

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The Unification of Italy

The Risorgimento was the period of Italian history during which the Italian nation earned its national unity.
Vittorio Emanuele II
Count Camillo Benso di Cavour
Liberal ideas, the hopes raised by the Enlightenment and the values \u200b\u200bof the French Revolution were brought to Italy by Napoleon. Inverted existing states, the French, disappointing the hopes of the patriots "Jacobins" Italians, had settled in the Po Valley, creating republics on the French model, revolutionizing the life of the time, bringing new ideas yes, but also making the cost fall on the local economy. He was born as a movement of expectations and ideals, some incompatible with each other: there were those in the field of romantic nationalists, republicans, socialists, liberals, monarchists Savoy, there was the expansionist ambition of becoming House of Savoy to achieve unity the Po Valley, there was the need to free themselves from Austrian rule in the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, a common desire was to improve the situation of sociological and economic advantage of the opportunities offered by technical and industrial revolution, at the same time overcoming the fragmentation of the peninsula where there were some liberals, who led the various revolutionaries of the peninsula to develop an idea and develop a larger home. The most important people in this process were many including: Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy. There were the Unitarians and Federalists Republicans as radicals opposed to the monarchy and Nicholas Tommaseo Carlo Cattaneo; there were Catholics as Vincenzo Gioberti and Antonio Rosmini that pointed to a confederation of Italian states under the presidency of the Pope, there were professors and economists as Giacinto and Albini Pietro Lacava, advisers ideals of Mazzini especially in the south.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Giuseppe Garibaldi
After the Congress of Vienna, the French influence in Italian political life left its mark through the exchange of ideas and dissemination of newspapers literary bourgeois salons that flourished in fact, under the pretext literary, created real Anglo-Saxon club, which lends itself to cover the secret societies, some Italian exiles, as Anthony Panizzi, undertook to establish contacts with foreign powers interested in Italian fix the problem. One of the first secret societies was that of the Carbonari. In 1814 this organized secret society of revolutionary movements in Naples, which ended with the conquest of the city in 1820, then lost by Austria. It should, however, say that the first real motorcycle Carbonaro would have made a Macerata in the Papal States, on the night between 24 and 25 June 1817. But the police, informed of the preparations, suppressed the action in the bud. The movements of 1820-1821, although all as its objective the progressive liberalization of absolutist regimes that stifled the freedom of Italy and Italians in those years, however, took on different connotations from state to state and from city to city. While in Naples, the rebels had sole purpose of the promulgation of the constitution, in Turin The uprising received anti-Austrian tension and unrest, already occurred in that city in January 1821, suffocated by the student movements in the blood by the same police Savoy. For this reason, these motions saw as a hero of the Risorgimento as a symbol of our men Santorre of Santa Rosa. Milan also took part in the riots a patriotic and anti-Austrian component led by Count Federico Confalonieri, routed, soon after the failure of the insurrection, in the prison of Spielberg, where there was already a few months ago my friend Silvio Pellico. Since the early nineteenth century established itself as a leading figure Giuseppe Mazzini. Born in Genoa in 1805, he became a member of the Carbonari in 1830. The business forced him to leave Italy in 1831 to flee to Marseilles, where he founded the Young Italy, a movement that picked up the patriotic forces for the establishment of a unitary state, to be included in a broader perspective, federal Europe. The sharing of the program led Mazzini Giuseppe Garibaldi, born in Nice in 1807, to participate in the revolutionary movements of 1834 in Piedmont, the failure of which he was sentenced to death by the government of Savoy and was forced to flee to South America, where he participated in the revolutionary Brazil and Uruguay. The revolts failed due to the lack of coordination between the plotters and the absence and indifference of the masses to the motions.
Massimo d'Azeglio
Vincenzo Gioberti
In the so-called reform period (1846-1848), following the failure of revolutionary movements to Mazzini, take effect political projects of moderate liberals, most notably Max d'Azeglio, Vincenzo Gioberti and Balbo with "the hopes of Italy" which put forward reformist programs for future Italian unit in centralized or federated form. Thus was born the movement of Neo-Guelphism rather successful in the public to coincide with the election of Pope Pius IX, considered a "liberal."

The Expedition of the Thousand and the Wars of Independence The

years 1847-1848 saw the development of various revolutionary movements were marked by a decision by the Kingdom of Sardinia to become a promoter of Italian unity. First step in this direction was the First War of Independence against Austria, which erupted during the revolt of the Five Days of Milan (1848). The war, conducted by Carlo Alberto and lost, ended with a substantial return to the previous situation. In the ten years following the defeat of the republican movement taken force Mazzini, helped by the failure of Neo-Guelphism federal program, the Mazzinians promoted a series of uprisings, all failed. In 1859-1860, there was a new stage, crucial to the process of Italian unification. It was characterized alliance between France's Napoleon III and the Kingdom of Sardinia, decisive victory in the War of Independence against Austria. Immediately followed the victory of the union of Tuscany and the kingdom of 'Emilia Romagna, which were released in the meantime. He had thus created a first draft of the Italian state. A further step towards unity was the Expedition of the Thousand. The latter consisted of little more than a thousand volunteers who come mainly from northern and central Italy, both belonging to the middle class than to those artisans and workers, was the only company to enjoy renaissance, at least in its initial phase , a strong support of the Sicilian peasantry. While Garibaldi was advancing from the south, the Sardinian troops went to the State of the Church and clashed with the papal army in the Marches, where they had the victory that led then to the annexation of Umbria and Marche. Only after the battle of Castelfidardo you could think of the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy, as it was now possible to combine geographically Garibaldi freed from the southern regions with the regions of Northern and Central merged into the Kingdom of Sardinia after the second war ' Independence and the subsequent annexation. The proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy took place March 17, 1861. The new kingdom will maintain the Albertine Statute, the Constitution granted by Charles Albert in 1848 and remain continuously in force until 1946. Many serious problems were that the new state faced, first, there were still drive the Veneto, Friuli, Venezia Giulia, Trentino and Lazio, and then there was the issue of capital, which was Turin, as the seat of the monarchy, but from the first meeting of parliament advocated Rome was still in the hands of the pope. In addition, the young kingdom had to face the problem of so-called "southern banditry." The unification took a further step forward with the Third War of Independence against Austria, which erupted following the participation of Italy to the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. The Third War of Independence led to the annexation of the Veneto and Friuli. After this date still remained outside the United, Lazio, Trentino (without the Alto Adige) and Venezia Giulia, whose annexation was necessary to complete the process of unification.

Pope Pius IX
Although the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy had been referred to Rome as the moral capital of the new state, the city remained the seat of the Papal States. Some papal lands had already been annexed, others (the Marche and Umbria) had been lost by the pope after the Battle of Castelfidardo, but the Papal States, reduced to only Lazio, remained under the protection of French troops who continue to defend it from two failed attempts to Garibaldi. Only after the defeat and capture of Napoleon III Sedan, Italian troops entered September 20, 1870 from breach of Porta Pia in the capital. After October 2, 1870 that sanctioned the annexation of Rome to the Kingdom of Italy, in June of 1871 the capital of Italy, already moved from Turin to Florence, Rome finally became. The Roman Church by Pope Pius IX, who considered himself a prisoner of the new Italian state reacted by excommunicating Vittorio Emanuele II, also not considered appropriate, and then explicitly forbade Catholics to participate actively in Italian political life, where you autoesclusero for half a century with serious consequences for the future history of Italy.
Trentino-Alto Adige, Venezia Giulia, Istria, the city of Zadar, were united Italy Nel 1924.

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Tragedy on the River tragedy. Others will come!


Brazil seems to have a sinister power to produce numerous "Haiti" on their territory. Rio is one of many. A tragedy foretold. Not only in 2008 because studies had already pointed to the mountain region as a region at high risk - and specifically Teresópolis , Petrópolis, Nova Friburgo, - but because since then everything had been shelved. The State, in its insane logic, you might not have wanted to move in a region with high tourism potential. In the study made public by the Folha de Sao Paulo these days pointing emergency as massive investments in reforestation and other measures bitter. None of it was forwarded.


Once again St. Peter is not responsible for the vast tragedy that claimed hundreds of lives, not counting the homeless and injured in body and soul. The very heavy rains, 'excessive', has an anthropogenic origin ... in humans. Excess air and land pollution affects climate change, alters the equilibrium. Somewhere, someone will pay the tragic consequences of it all!


unfortunate statements by the governor of São Paulo, Geraldo 'Chuchu' Alckmin (PSDB) that before the flooding of St. Paul had the audacity to claim that 'one can not improvise and preventive measures to contain the overnight ...'. For those who govern the state of São Paulo for 16 long years ... sounds like tragicomic and irresponsible!


Claudio Abramo director of 'Transparency' points precisely the state and municipal governments as the main responsible for the tragedy. He says rains and floods occur in various parts of the world, not only here. The difference here is that the authorities turn a blind eye before settlements in high risk regions. Omission that goes hand in hand with corruption and social irresponsibility and human hands are killers of children, mothers and young fathers. Well, some people will continue praying for Peter to stop these rains and others who ask for forgiveness "from God be punishing a sinful nation ....' Neither

genuine solidarity, nor compassion, nor the most sincere prayers may remove other tragedies that 'stay the way it always is,' after each tragedy!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Fairy scéal ag cruthaithe Webgiorn

In the area of \u200b\u200bEngland, long ago, there lived a very rich king, who had two beautiful daughters and brave and cunning child. He was large territory and could control all but a magic pendant that she always wore around his neck, gave him to capture a fairy for saving her life when she was drowning. If someone had stolen him and he had donned, immediately would become the owner and fruttuante majestic land. One day spring, The king was walking on a quiet hill when the same fairy who had previously helped him, he greeted her, hugged her and treated her as a goddess, but she did not really, but wizard villain who wanted to increase his empire! the king did not notice anything, and when asked the "fairy" for him to return the amulet to make it more effective it gave him no doubt, and a few minutes before the man disappeared with a giggle as She knew the poor king and the deceit stayed for a week on an empty stomach. Following after a while the king was an old man who claimed to be a sage and asked him how he would return to his realm el 'the man replied: "You go through all your land, and go to the Mount of darkness, no you get what you need, but beware it is impossible for a mission, you will die for sure! "Despite final words of wisdom for the good man went and had a stormy sea crossing was no relief, but eventually found himself in front of a large castle filled with bats, spiders, monsters, witches, ... The He tried to go in vain, to capture monsters after they took an hour and threw in a pit not far from there. All 'Suddenly the sky darkened, the well was not more water and the sorcerer appears: a body that resembled half of a crocodile, the other half was similar to that of a man with three eyes and five legs. bloody clash had been exhausted at the end fell down exhausted on the king, and his breathing was going to stop when he came on the good fairy who healed the wounds and make him even stronger than before, He also said good for him to hit the magician on the right foot because it was only weak point is. The king listened to the advice, firmly grasped the sword and the sorcerer stuck in my foot. Shortly after he fell down and died.
From that day no one tried to steal more quell'amuleto and the king lived happily forever!