Friday, December 31, 2010

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Helena Heluy leaves the parliamentary life. Who will fill the void?

Yesterday the 30th Legislative Assembly of Maranhão Ms Helena Heluy said goodbye to the parliamentary life. Personal decision. To respect and take your hat off. The expressions of affection, appreciation and esteem were numerous. And from various segments of society. Sincere and simple. Without many decorations and flattery. The state parliament will lose rather a 'figure' who tried to elevate the role of one who is customarily defined as 'people's representative'. Against mediocrity and submission of most parliamentary colleagues Mrs. Helena came to play a role only she did state that: giving voice to all claims defined broadly popular. Assembly echoed the voice of former slaves, indigenous people, farmers, women, minors, prisoners, and movements and institutions that support them. It made him so proud, without inhibitions, without media, without bothering with the comments from fellow members. After all, Helen had nothing to lose. It was not part of the scheme. It was one of the few MPs who to elect and re-elect did not enter the feudal scheme of groups of mayors who associate with one another to elect a candidate for deputy with the blessing of some congressman and something more .... The votes were scattered around her, sovereign, without receiving in return some concrete and immediate boon from her. Now one question is: who in the State Parliament will take its place? Who will assume the role of voice and lend space for the forgotten of this state actually feel represented?

The crowning moment, however, the ceremony was the view of the play 'train What is this? " group of Jupaz (Youth for peace) and of Açailândia Piquiá. In recounting the drama of people who remain outside the train Vale wanted to throw the audience not only a cry of indignation against the monster of mining and its false promises, but also an invitation to each citizen, or not represented in the legislature or in Congress, feels responsible for the future of this state. For there to be more 'justice on track', family, at work, at school, at church, the congregation ....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Reinventing life on the planet Gaia! Happy 2011! The Holy Family

We thought that with the end of years old, 'good news' caress and lull expectations and dreams of a future novel, but not heavenly. The ghosts of yesterday seem to keep our people today. The ghosts of violence brutal, police, street, house home, the lands occupied in the battle fields, institutions, laws made by a few, and their interpretation elitist, biased. The ghosts of forest destruction and the sons of the woods, the squares, mansions and houses. The ghosts of the accumulation of trash, and atomic, goods and money useless volatile. The angry ghost of hunger and waste vile, leprosy and tuberculosis, AIDS and dengue hemorrhagic fever. The ghosts of floods, earthquakes and landslides slopes .... e. .. dreams. The ghosts of the governments of princes, 'maquiáveis' smart and corrupt that never fall, recycled by voters and apathetic automatons. The ghosts of loneliness and depression, disorders that make you forget they reap will and hopes for change.

Someone, perhaps many, will say that everything is an ethereal design. A destination that can not be changed. Everything was written in the stars. Maybe for a 'god' omnipotent or, perhaps, by a hidden power which hovers over the cosmos. Maybe today as never before, we hominid species, - one among the 10 million species on the planet Gaia / Earth - we are the most responsible for the deaths of our beings same species. We are the worst destroyers of numerous other species, inclusive, are those that guarantee our survival. The human species is affected by disorder biocide. It must be treated before it is too late. There is no 'god' that can stop this mad race suicide began. Only lucidity, courage, boldness, and a sublime gesture of repentance planetarium that has as 'penance' a real and radical reversal of values \u200b\u200band choices in all sizes and habitat of living beings can stop it. Only then can we 'live to see'!

Happy 2011 and reinvent our lives!

Monday, December 27, 2010

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celebrated yesterday at Holy Family extolling its virtues, even from a historical point of view we have no reliable information. We proclaim the triad of Nazareth as a perfect family, but we can hardly identify with something perfect . After all, few of us were welcomed, loved, protected, educated by a father and a biological mother as was Jesus. When this occurs, absenteeism, violence, authoritarianism, dropouts, discrimination brought forth by parents and brothers leave their indelible marks on body and mind. What family is this, anyway? Which, of Nazareth or ours? The first super-idealized, but unrealistic. The second, contradictory, imperfect, but real, concrete historical. This is ours! Still, we continue to repeat to ourselves and the world that the family of Nazareth is the true: Dad, Mom and little children loved. This family model imploded many decades in the West and the East. The reduction of social control of moralistic, changes in work / economy in which women took an active way, the pan-sexualization of inter-personal disputes and rivalries that are social embedded and reproduced in scope 'family', the end of the persecution of people with diverse sexual orientations and specific, the growing disappearance of forms of family solidarity grounded in blood, cronyism, reciprocity, and many other elements to the emergence of numerous forms to be 'family'. Regardless of cultural legacy and consolidated.

The challenge for the human being that comes through even choosing to organize forms of social cohesion, club, cohabitation of all kinds is whether there is still room for feelings and emotions. If our social and family structures still believe and can provide acceptance, protection, tenderness, love and why not .... its members, or the sophistication and the growing individualism of the forms of social cohesion 'these things' are nothing more than obsolete elements. Unable to answer the true wishes 'human'. The human future. If you are 'things we corny and igrejeiros' or dimensions that carry the full human being. Personally I have done my choice. The 'bug man', ie, a hominid species to survive and ensure a balanced future for themselves and the environment that keeps him alive it needs love. No matter if offered by a couple of different sex, or even by an uncle or grandmother, for an older brother or a godmother, a 'stranger or a neighbor. " The ability to offer love, protect, care for, to be close, lead by the hand and sit on someone's lap is still output to the planetary family. Will not be perfect as of Nazareth, but will rise to more than monsters and that is not self-destructive.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Beyond all the rhetoric: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

yuletide In almost all is forgiven. The excesses of gifts, the tired, traditional and formal votes of 'Happy Holidays', the abuse of rhetoric Christmas, the 'Unforgettable' promises are not kept for personal change. The oath about what we hold most dear that from the 'Today / Natal' we will find time to devote to his children, elderly parents, we give more attention to people who are on our side, who started what we remains trapped and dependent. Anyway, truisms and lero-Leros where we lie to ourselves and one mind to another. This pretends to believe, but know it is not as it seems. Anyway, at Christmas, there seems to be a tacit agreement supra-cultural and supra-religious so that everything is imbued with harmony, of peace, of universal goodness, solidarity, amnesty, even for a ... days. It seems the magic of Christmas itself, which requires universally enshrined not be broken. Can be a little unique form of humans - at least those of a certain culture - they say to themselves, wishing they could be different. That creating real conditions - which are at your fingertips - would rather fulfill the promise that in fact or wish each other only formally, and for a day. Christmas, above all, can mean that humanity has the potential to, in fact, not only formally want peace, harmony, solidarity and fraternity, but historically do it all. Because it expresses consciousness conference of the lack of it all. Even if you are unable or unwilling to implement. Earlier the later, we celebrate the traditionally formal and eventually turning into something real. Denying that the lack of harmony, peace, solidarity, fraternity finally knocked on our door? These deficiencies, in general, if not addressed can not forgive! Without rhetoric: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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The land of the Hawk / Pukobyê: between lies and manipulations

There undergo the 'experts' who think they know everything about everything. Sell \u200b\u200bversions and numbers as they themselves grow chayote in the backyard of his house. They know that behind the numbers are realities, people, trends. But its purpose is only to 'prove' his own truth arithmetically. Their interests. But, after all, numbers are numbers that express .... consolidated data and irrefutable. To these numbers we want to turn our gaze and our reason.

I'm referring specifically to the issue of demarcation of the new Governor of the People Hawk / Pukobyê, Amarante, Maranhão, and Veja magazine a few weeks ago dealt with the irresponsibility which is customary. Several local journalists undergo the pseudo-analysts gave a wide coverage to exposure of arguments - nothing civilized - the magazine published nationally. The 'ventriloquists' sites reproduced the pearls that Veja parading without even checking if it was released corresponded to the minimal logic ... and the real numbers.

read in the See, for example, that the Hawk are just 500, but there are about 1,000 (Funai 2009). are said to be three villages, but they are 6 (Funai 2009). Worse, it is stated that the new land would increase to 75% of the area occupied by indigenous people within the municipal area. Well, well, well .... the surface is 7669.090 km Amarante squares (IBGE 2010). That is, more than 766 000 hectares of land. This is a fact undisputed and consolidated. Currently the Governor of Pukobyê land that is 42054.73 ha. and thus holds just over 5% (five percent) of the territory of Amarante. Even with its expansion - whose size is not planned - but is estimated by some at around 150 to 200 000, the surface that would occupy indigenous lands within the municipality would not surpass 25% (25 percent). We're way beyond the 75% propagated by Veja magazine and the ranchers in the region, according to which the expansion goes ahead, would make the economy site. Archaic arguments used by other colleagues in office (read: the Ze Doca about the land-Awa Guajá) Not to mention, of course, the fact that the criteria to be adopted - and over which the Funai is based - not are neither arithmetic nor circumstantial, but of history and anthropology, as defined in specific legislation. That is, nothing against the law!

now contemplate some numbers that IBGE itself opened up: in 2006 the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural establishments in Amarante was 159,278 hectares. Today should have increased significantly. More: 99,726 hectares were occupied by different pastures (planted, natural, degraded, good, etc..) Must be a lot more now. Not all that funny? To defend an extension of land that ultimately gets the UNION, the common heritage - though used by indigenous people - everyone gets up and kicking. To order the owner of the ox and the ox that always occupies more arable land that could be distributed more reasonable for those who really need land, all silent. Does the wrong country? Amarante became India? Passed by some Hindu proclaiming the "sanctity of cows'?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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... The first birthday

Written by Elena and Alfredo
Today is Luke's first birthday!
... Seems like yesterday at 1:30 in the morning we woke up because "maybe we" and that was the beginning of a wonderful journey as the birth and growth of our Luke!
This year we have lived very hard and the presence of Luke from the first moment was a fantastic experience for us, every moment was very intense, even the moments "hard" as the risers at night to eat it, or cuddle crying because we remember them with great tenderness ...
Now he begins to walk even if held for both hands and look at every moment its "evolution" (come more like a Swiss watch to completion of each month) and will be for us the memories that remain indelible in our hearts for a lifetime.
Happy first birthday puppy!

Monday, July 19, 2010

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Beach holidays

Written by Alfredo
Holidays at last!
We decided to bring Luke to the sea without making too many miles in cars because it is his first trip to "serious" in the car and did not know how he would react ... we say that the reaction has been fairly quiet, except at the end of journey where he started to get bored ...
We went to Marina di Grosseto camping in the "Green Heaven" in a bungalow in the series' charm & relaxation "... the reason for the name" green sky "is now clear what we were looking over our heads from the pictures I took where we were staying (click on the images to enlarge):

Luke is now set in the new house ... its important to have toys on hand and it was quiet:

He immediately set the new "house "and exits around the neighborhood has done very well without problems ... the important thing is that he made his afternoon snack ...

1) preparation of yogurt:

2) you go to eat:

3) Finally, relax with a slight smile to make the photo ... uh ... clean Luca mustache!

... in a moment of reflection:

Monday, June 7, 2010

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New games and rugs

Written by Alfredo
... begin the first attempts to crawl and now the 'corner, which we prepare to do the play is tight, so we decided to buy one of those rugs rubber squares to dial Puzzle type, lying on the floor and put new toys in wood, in its "complete provision "... in practice we spent last Saturday and Sunday lying on the ground to ward off this" quadruped "fast you could not distract him a second that you find yourself in another room ... The first day
was a bit curious (click to enlarge):

then the day after he began to realize that it was good and the expression began to become more serene

... then the hint of a smile:

... and soon after his typical happy expression, but at the same time when in "sting" the situation ...:

... and then you can take action .... poor play ...

Friday, May 21, 2010

What Does A Ballast Do?

Written by Alfredo
Luca still has a bit of after-effects of a cold, and then is forced to make the aerosol ... but it seems that they like and reassuring having regard to its reaction ....:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

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aerosol effect in the pool .... First

Written by Alfredo
Today you go in the pool!
it starts right away to make "Water" our little Luke and saw how he acts when we do the bath, I do not think that will be scared .... we'll see ... The pool is to
Santhià a few miles from our house ... a small deep pool about 1.20 m and a temperature near boiling water!
There are other children, some more or less the age of Luke, and some bigger ones too small ... the costume worn waterproof into the water on my lap, then pass it to Elena and take the opportunity to go out and clicking some pictures.
Luke seems to be quiet at first, here he is in the position of the "cradle" (click to enlarge):

and his mother's arms seem to have no fear:

then switch to the supine position and some tension here ... but he had passed quietly

then you pass the test dive ... actually increased the assistant with a sort of colander that has filled with water and poured over the head of Luke ... almost like a very large shower with jets ... Luca apart from a first moment of fear , then a good little fish has recovered:

returned to the position of the "cradle" to reassure them, before he was a little tense

then immediately resumed its calm;

that say, Luke has behaved like a real fish ...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Where's Lady Barbara From

raffreddorino ...

Written by Alfredo
Well yes ... the weather certainly does not help Luke and he gets his first cold: runny nose relentlessly and a little fever, but he does not lose of mind and "lives" with this little illness is as serenely in his character: laughing!
At a little less ...

... then realized that a cold is nothing to worry about here is that if the laughs out loud ...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sensitivity To Smells While On Period

.... you return home ...

Written by Alfredo
... and ... you seemed to miss out here is that the sun returns in bad weather and return home with the heaters turned off ... there are 9 ° C. However, ... I try to take some pictures to Luke, who is too distracted and 'taken' to understand a little game lets you capture ...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why Are People Posting Numberson Facebook

An sunburst ...

Written by Alfredo
After many days of bad weather, finally a break of a few seconds where a bit of sun came out (so to speak) and I can take photos with Luke in the garden with Elena (click to enlarge) ...

here ... and now it looks like a "little man" ...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Peoplehaving Numbers In Their Statuses

It grows and make discoveries ...

Written by Alfredo
The clock is ticking for everyone and we are now in the fifth month and a half ... comes the first "Father 's Day" and we were all together for a usual photo (click to enlarge):

comes the first Easter! Unfortunately we went into the house closed for bad weather, but I managed to snatch a photo to the now "model" ... sometimes it seems that poses:

seems to have fun as hell ....

we are today ... the weather finally gives us a summer day with temperatures nearly 23 degrees, short, pleasant to stay in a little garden and enjoy the sunshine on a hot afternoon here ... Luke too busy to understand what these beautiful white spots in the meadow:

... once more or less understood here that "grants" posed for a photograph ...