Our religion has been defined the religion of pain. Suffering. Sacrifice. Sadness. Only those who hope for a future eternity. The religion of the conformed. It is undeniable that we have plenty of ammunition to our critics! was not the contents of the 'good news' of Jesus of Nazareth who supplied it. Were our interpretations of the contents of the good news. Many of them have been grounded in our interests group in petty institutional projects in power games, which unfortunately exist in every religion. In this sense all religion tends to kill the faith that is in the heart of humans! Recover the deep meaning of the Beatitudes is to rely on faith institution. The practice of charity / compassion over dogma. The free service to the poor on the cult of authority, hierarchy.
The Beatitudes were not and are not a 'debate'. Nor a set of rules and commandments. There are pious admonitions that Jesus spoke circumstantially. Not a list of social categories who will win in the near future - if they accept their condition - a supposed eternal reward. A kind of kingdom of happiness because they have conformed to their adverse situation. Rather, they reflect and synthesize the priorities that emerged from the itinerary moral / spiritual Jesus of Nazareth. Recover the core of bold preaching and practice of the master of Galilee. And especially stress the new consciousness for those who historically had been left out. The Beatitudes represent a sort of demarcation line. The logic that prevailed until Jesus was the blessed, the happy, Blessed was he who had plenty, who had things and people, who dominated and persecuted, who practiced his authority by abuses and transgressions. After all, if he acted that way was because God was confirming!
The first Christians to rescue the practice of Jesus are an emerging new consciousness. For them, from the service of Jesus to the poor God definitely come to govern a whole new way. Quite differently than it did Tiberius Caesar, Herod and others. The forgotten of Israel are, in fact, the new protagonists who embody and manifest the kingdom of God. That is, God manages to form a new humanity by choosing as mediators for those fighting for justice and peace. Those who suffer persecution. Those who act in a transparent manner. All of them are blessed not because they are loved and blessed by God, or because they may receive future rewards, but because it is in your hands now the ability to produce an inversion of values \u200b\u200band practices. To do everything you always been at the heart of God and that Jesus made explicit.
Blessed are you if you understand that your time has come. The time to sack the rich away empty, to topple the mighty from their thrones and to recognize the dignity of the downtrodden. For Jesus, this is the true way of God's rule!
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