There are choices and decisions that radically changed the trajectory of our lives. What may at first seem to us commonplace, ordinary, turns out to be crucial and central. The consequences of all this with us for the rest of our lives. The text presents us with today's decision-making that was crucial to the life of Jesus: the physical and ideological separation Jesus of the group of John the Baptist who had lived with and been identified for some time, and his surprising decision to relocate permanently to Capernaum. With respect to John, Jesus wants to make clear that his preaching is qualitatively different from the prophet of the desert. Jesus inaugurates a kingdom of grace and new opportunity for radical change. The God of Jesus is not God's threat of punishment and total pressure. It is precisely from the moment John is silenced by Herod that Jesus begins his proclamation. A new era has begun! But he also breaks with 'their' means of Nazareth. The new kingdom that God either can not be started nor in the birthplace of Jesus where he had known only rejection and mistrust.
Paradoxically the good news starts in 'Galilee of the Gentiles, fishermen ritually unclean'. But also a customs center economically strategic. In 'the sea road' they passed through those who wanted to go to Egypt and the port of Caesarea. In the land where Herod wanted to show strength and power Tiberius Caesar. It can be seen that Jesus chose Capernaum not randomly. How not to chose from a simple glance at the seafront, his followers. Jesus was clear that a project of domination holistic and well-articulated had to oppose with equal or superior ability. An opposition that was not of military confrontation, physical force, but symbolic. It was in this field, in fact, that Jesus could play their cards. And he did so masterfully.
Jesus did not choose Jerusalem the capital to start his prophetic ministry, and yes, a town considered "infidel and heretic 'by the composition and piety of its inhabitants and the confluence of' outsiders', foreign contaminate soil and Jewish culture. chooses not Nazareth, where Jesus had a family and friends. Leaves behind family and emotional security. Breaks with the logic of 'ethnic' and 'nuclear family', and opens to the 'world' multicultural and multiethnic. This becomes your family! Jesus either choose 'desert' of John the Baptist, where there were no people. He chooses places inhabited by people who dream, fighting, debating, and that .... plot against Caesar and his minions.
speaks of Jesus 'kingdom' on purpose. To say that it opposes the flatterer of Caesar and Herod. That, incidentally, is the only possible one. Because no human can dominate and subdue other human . That only the "kingdom of God 'could bring real freedom and recognition of the divine dignity that resides in every human. That this kingdom is built from the 'periphery' and offstage history of empire and the temple. That, after all, the kingdom of Caesar and many others, are a farce ... or a 'tragedy'!
Jesus chooses his followers. Examine them and select them. Do not accept anyone. Molds them without them thwart its originality. not want fanatics, but persons 'lived', they know what it means to have responsibilities. Do not want employees, servants, employees, but mature people who have the ability to configure a specific project.
who have courage to be 'fishers of men', building new forms of humanity.
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