We live in a reality that casts all the time, like an automatic machine gun, numerous signs. Messages, information, symbols, stories, versions of the most variegated. Not always is a logic behind all this. these bombings and tangles of permanent signs we experience a certain loss. Feelings of disorientation seem to dominate us. We feel displaced in our same location in which we live. It seems that everything that we considered as reference for life, hermeneutics, to analyze reality, suddenly vanished. We do not know what to take, what to retain. The little that we consider the handle, soon after, inadequate to account for our thirst for understanding reality. What are we, what we want, we want to be in the near future. It is still an 'existential crisis' that helps us re-situate the 'local-context' where we are. And find out which 'signs' - among the myriad that exist - can give meaning to our existence. These are the signs that we must .... hold.
With the obvious differences that was the crisis that has also John and Jesus of Nazareth. It is obligatory path for every human being who seeks to make sense of their 'being in the world'. John had discovered that he had a mission to Israel: to wake him on their own contradictions . Showing that they were so acute that would lead to destruction if the nation did not change course. Chosen as a 'sign' water baptism. Expression of real commitment of people to build a new Israel. Himself, John, becomes "signal. Everything seemed to go well for him. The threats, the conditions to receive baptism, submission of a terrible and vengeful God stirred the minds of people. Maybe even less wiggle in their attitudes and life choices! With the advent of Jesus of Nazareth John is in crisis. Discovers that his strategy to re-erect Israel might not be so wise as he imagined.
Jesus by putting the same level as people 'penitents' and in need of change, conversion, baptism transformation throws a clear signal to Israel and to John . The redemption of a nation takes putting yourself above it, so proclaiming its moral change. But wrapping it as a whole, and rebuilt it with her (common queue up as Jesus did). Not judging others and putting yourself in a position of moral superiority, supposedly absolute integrity and purity, but working on the same level as those who seek to re-erect Israel from its own contradictions. Personal and collective.
John who was a sign - one of many - signals that the true 'signal' to be handled with force now, one who was not baptized with water, but that 'baptized' from the consciousness , heart, compassion . Whoever - mixed among ordinary penitents - wanted to build with them, and not apart from them, a whole new future for Israel and mankind. Discover what are the signs that humanity needs today to find out how humanity and what kind of signal we can be in it is a challenge that will accompany us for a lifetime. Just can not help but be ... "sign" of hope for those who seem to have resigned to re-build!
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