I reproduce below an excerpt from the "call of the bishops of Mozambique to the Christian communities and men and women of good will" published recently. Draws attention to the bishops 'concern for Mozambicans to mega-projects, because there has reached "full Brazilian company,' Vale. Apparently the mining giant is losing no time, exports pollution, expropriation and social disintegration, 'goods' is well known for our population of Maranhão, Pará, Minas Gerais, Rio .....
"Malaria continues to kill, especially in the countryside, despite the optimistic statistics, the same is true of the HIV / AIDS, to the point where we can say that the devastation outside the control of the statistics. We think the situation of hunger will be contributing to abandon the production of food in favor of cash crops: cotton, tobacco, sugar cane and plants for bio-combustível.Outros social aspects are very disturbing and trafficking in organs humans. When the Catholic Church in 2004 and 2005, reported the first known cases, much has been done and much has been said to claim that was false and missed would like to see the Church Catholic in the dock and punished as a rumormonger. Today, the daily press is confirming with cases, a phenomenon of planetary proportions!
Another wound is social banditry, contoured individuals: groups of 10, and 12 more individuals, households and institutions that assault in the dead of night or in broad daylight. Anyway, lynchings seem an evil without remedy. Be a wrong without remedy while not discover, does not want to recognize and eliminate their causes.
We still have the problem of the negative impact of mega-projects, an impact already felt or expected: degradation and environmental pollution. Such projects expropriate land from people, forcing them to move into areas unfavorable; occupy areas for certain activities in favor of lives of people, leaving them without any means of sustenance ....'
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