yuletide In almost all is forgiven. The excesses of gifts, the tired, traditional and formal votes of 'Happy Holidays', the abuse of rhetoric Christmas, the 'Unforgettable' promises are not kept for personal change. The oath about what we hold most dear that from the 'Today / Natal' we will find time to devote to his children, elderly parents, we give more attention to people who are on our side, who started what we remains trapped and dependent. Anyway, truisms and lero-Leros where we lie to ourselves and one mind to another. This pretends to believe, but know it is not as it seems. Anyway, at Christmas, there seems to be a tacit agreement supra-cultural and supra-religious so that everything is imbued with harmony, of peace, of universal goodness, solidarity, amnesty, even for a ... days. It seems the magic of Christmas itself, which requires universally enshrined not be broken. Can be a little unique form of humans - at least those of a certain culture - they say to themselves, wishing they could be different. That creating real conditions - which are at your fingertips - would rather fulfill the promise that in fact or wish each other only formally, and for a day. Christmas, above all, can mean that humanity has the potential to, in fact, not only formally want peace, harmony, solidarity and fraternity, but historically do it all. Because it expresses consciousness conference of the lack of it all. Even if you are unable or unwilling to implement. Earlier the later, we celebrate the traditionally formal and eventually turning into something real. Denying that the lack of harmony, peace, solidarity, fraternity finally knocked on our door? These deficiencies, in general, if not addressed can not forgive! Without rhetoric: MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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