There undergo the 'experts' who think they know everything about everything. Sell \u200b\u200bversions and numbers as they themselves grow chayote in the backyard of his house. They know that behind the numbers are realities, people, trends. But its purpose is only to 'prove' his own truth arithmetically. Their interests. But, after all, numbers are numbers that express .... consolidated data and irrefutable. To these numbers we want to turn our gaze and our reason.
I'm referring specifically to the issue of demarcation of the new Governor of the People Hawk / Pukobyê, Amarante, Maranhão, and Veja magazine a few weeks ago dealt with the irresponsibility which is customary. Several local journalists undergo the pseudo-analysts gave a wide coverage to exposure of arguments - nothing civilized - the magazine published nationally. The 'ventriloquists' sites reproduced the pearls that Veja parading without even checking if it was released corresponded to the minimal logic ... and the real numbers.
read in the See, for example, that the Hawk are just 500, but there are about 1,000 (Funai 2009). are said to be three villages, but they are 6 (Funai 2009). Worse, it is stated that the new land would increase to 75% of the area occupied by indigenous people within the municipal area. Well, well, well .... the surface is 7669.090 km Amarante squares (IBGE 2010). That is, more than 766 000 hectares of land. This is a fact undisputed and consolidated. Currently the Governor of Pukobyê land that is 42054.73 ha. and thus holds just over 5% (five percent) of the territory of Amarante. Even with its expansion - whose size is not planned - but is estimated by some at around 150 to 200 000, the surface that would occupy indigenous lands within the municipality would not surpass 25% (25 percent). We're way beyond the 75% propagated by Veja magazine and the ranchers in the region, according to which the expansion goes ahead, would make the economy site. Archaic arguments used by other colleagues in office (read: the Ze Doca about the land-Awa Guajá) Not to mention, of course, the fact that the criteria to be adopted - and over which the Funai is based - not are neither arithmetic nor circumstantial, but of history and anthropology, as defined in specific legislation. That is, nothing against the law!
now contemplate some numbers that IBGE itself opened up: in 2006 the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural establishments in Amarante was 159,278 hectares. Today should have increased significantly. More: 99,726 hectares were occupied by different pastures (planted, natural, degraded, good, etc..) Must be a lot more now. Not all that funny? To defend an extension of land that ultimately gets the UNION, the common heritage - though used by indigenous people - everyone gets up and kicking. To order the owner of the ox and the ox that always occupies more arable land that could be distributed more reasonable for those who really need land, all silent. Does the wrong country? Amarante became India? Passed by some Hindu proclaiming the "sanctity of cows'?
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