We thought that with the end of years old, 'good news' caress and lull expectations and dreams of a future novel, but not heavenly. The ghosts of yesterday seem to keep our people today. The ghosts of violence brutal, police, street, house home, the lands occupied in the battle fields, institutions, laws made by a few, and their interpretation elitist, biased. The ghosts of forest destruction and the sons of the woods, the squares, mansions and houses. The ghosts of the accumulation of trash, and atomic, goods and money useless volatile. The angry ghost of hunger and waste vile, leprosy and tuberculosis, AIDS and dengue hemorrhagic fever. The ghosts of floods, earthquakes and landslides slopes .... e. .. dreams. The ghosts of the governments of princes, 'maquiáveis' smart and corrupt that never fall, recycled by voters and apathetic automatons. The ghosts of loneliness and depression, disorders that make you forget they reap will and hopes for change.
Someone, perhaps many, will say that everything is an ethereal design. A destination that can not be changed. Everything was written in the stars. Maybe for a 'god' omnipotent or, perhaps, by a hidden power which hovers over the cosmos. Maybe today as never before, we hominid species, - one among the 10 million species on the planet Gaia / Earth - we are the most responsible for the deaths of our beings same species. We are the worst destroyers of numerous other species, inclusive, are those that guarantee our survival. The human species is affected by disorder biocide. It must be treated before it is too late. There is no 'god' that can stop this mad race suicide began. Only lucidity, courage, boldness, and a sublime gesture of repentance planetarium that has as 'penance' a real and radical reversal of values \u200b\u200band choices in all sizes and habitat of living beings can stop it. Only then can we 'live to see'!
Happy 2011 and reinvent our lives!
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