Yesterday the 30th Legislative Assembly of Maranhão Ms Helena Heluy said goodbye to the parliamentary life. Personal decision. To respect and take your hat off. The expressions of affection, appreciation and esteem were numerous. And from various segments of society. Sincere and simple. Without many decorations and flattery. The state parliament will lose rather a 'figure' who tried to elevate the role of one who is customarily defined as 'people's representative'. Against mediocrity and submission of most parliamentary colleagues Mrs. Helena came to play a role only she did state that: giving voice to all claims defined broadly popular. Assembly echoed the voice of former slaves, indigenous people, farmers, women, minors, prisoners, and movements and institutions that support them. It made him so proud, without inhibitions, without media, without bothering with the comments from fellow members. After all, Helen had nothing to lose. It was not part of the scheme. It was one of the few MPs who to elect and re-elect did not enter the feudal scheme of groups of mayors who associate with one another to elect a candidate for deputy with the blessing of some congressman and something more .... The votes were scattered around her, sovereign, without receiving in return some concrete and immediate boon from her. Now one question is: who in the State Parliament will take its place? Who will assume the role of voice and lend space for the forgotten of this state actually feel represented?
The crowning moment, however, the ceremony was the view of the play 'train What is this? " group of Jupaz (Youth for peace) and of Açailândia Piquiá. In recounting the drama of people who remain outside the train Vale wanted to throw the audience not only a cry of indignation against the monster of mining and its false promises, but also an invitation to each citizen, or not represented in the legislature or in Congress, feels responsible for the future of this state. For there to be more 'justice on track', family, at work, at school, at church, the congregation ....