Separate collection
How many times has happened to throw the food, packaging, waste, household appliances no longer needed, but the thing that really matters is the place, or rather the places where the jumps! Many say that it is necessary to prevent waste, but it is practically impossible, each of us wastes some foods that do not like throwing them in the trash, we should talk more often instead of recycling. If you look on wikipedia inciclopedia as the meaning of collection you will find the following definition: To separate waste collection system means a municipal solid waste which includes, for each type of waste, a first selection from the people and is different from the residual waste in use until a few years ago. All this means that the citizen is the first to have to care where they end up producing waste, it must then distribute them (with the aid of the garbage cans that are colored differently depending on the type of waste that contains, blue for plastic, yellow paper, brown for the wet, green for green, gray for dry) depending on the materials they are made. But how do you differentiate good? Realizing that type of waste we are facing. Inert waste Inert waste is essentially waste and scrap building materials or materials resulting from demolition, construction and excavation. They are also inert waste materials such as ceramics and glass and rocks of all kinds. Inert waste will have a low environmental impact and therefore are disposed of in special landfills, as opposed to municipal solid waste (MSW) or special waste. Bulky waste The bulky waste are all those whose size or hazardous waste may not be collected in bins or on the territory of the bells. Many councils offer free service to the people of this waste sampling, using a simple phone call to the entity operating this collection. They are bulky waste, for example, mattresses, sofas, furniture, bed nets, refrigerators, televisions, carboys and glass plates, etc.. Non-hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste are all those wastes for their chemical characteristics will not compromise the environment, such as household waste. Hazardous waste Hazardous wastes are wastes that contain or are made from toxic materials, poisonous or otherwise harmful to both animal and plant life. For example, batteries, medicines, neon, paints and solvents, etc.. Special Waste Special waste is all the waste from production activities, regardless of their dangerous characteristics. Wet waste The wet waste is waste vegetable leftovers, fruit, coffee grounds, old bread, etc. Refusal or Green Branches The sources of these wastes are: 1) the wholesale fruit and vegetable markets 2) central markets and neighborhood retail 3) supermarkets 4) individual outlets (shops fruit and vegetables). The green waste are also considered as consisting of clippings, prunings and leaves from green care activities of the private and public in general, residues from asset sales of plants and flowers, etc. ... which often end with mixed solid waste is essential to separate green waste from the dry MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) MSW means municipal solid waste and are essentially all the waste generated by businesses. Here is a small design with which you can quickly associate the colors of the type of waste bins. And do not forget: YOU EVEN START TO THE DIFFERENT Wastes TO HAVE A BETTER FUTURE!
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