The narration of 'temptation' of Jesus according to today's Gospel states that Jesus was never quite sure that the choices they had made were correct. Jesus felt the human drama of always having to review everything. The evangelist places the temptations of Jesus just after the "confirmation light 'from God that' He was the beloved son '(baptism). Shortly after the experience of wonder vocation when it seemed that Jesus had had absolute clarity of his vocation and mission. In the desert that is life everything should be reviewed. Nothing is definitively acquired. In Jesus, dreams and life projects, opportunities and possibilities mix the unexpected trends and desires, the limitations and human frailties. Ambitions, the need for public recognition, will to dominate and delusions of grandeur are intertwined with its ethical imperatives. With those figures it had acquired in early childhood. And that, apparently, seemed definitively incorporated and consolidated into your life. Jesus feels permanently divided and drawn to-day symbolic names (the one who scatters, which messes)
Often we experience the doubt, uncertainty. It is ironic: after a decision often suffered, which cost us sleepless nights and intense inner anguish, it seems that the feeling of uncertainty becomes even larger. A thousand thoughts and questions run through our heads. Inner voices seem to whisper in our ears just wondering what to do. We seem overwhelmed by the terrible sense of having made the wrong choice, we took the wrong decision. Sometimes it seems to be somewhat obsessive. Something evil. A real temptation.
Here it is not someone who never gets to take a decision in life. What is called to choose a standstill, because you never know what you decide what to choose. Postponing infinitely. That always question everything and everyone. Something pathological. It is, instead of real experiences, real, human. We feel alive in us the desire that someone outside or inside a clear and objective light on systematically confirm what we decide. This, however, does not occur. After all, we remain ourselves, in our weakness and human limitation, to bear the consequences of our decision and choice of life. This process of constant discrimination, suffering and uncertainty, will accompany us throughout our life.
It is this 'quarantine' - Lent of human existence, life, but a dreary desert loaded opportunities and expectations that Jesus discovers his inner strength. The strength of those who are not surprised to hear constantly the 'inner voices' that litter the question and' own certainties. " In that still sojourn, the bubbling systematic day-symbolic names, Jesus finds the actual, concrete, cope with feelings of uncertainty inseparable and indecision that life presents you. In constant search for the 'yes-symbolic names' (which arranges and joins) Jesus builds a new way to "be with" the humans!
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